What We Do
Perhaps the most overlooked item of our business is the very essence of our industry: Logos. How many times has your client given you "camera-ready art" in the form of a business card or a link to a web site? For years, we've been cleaning up client logos day-in and day-out. At LogoCleanUp.com, we can take your sketch, business card, fax or illustration and have a digital perfect logo in your email box in as little as one day (dependent upon production availability). Digital Art means that the logo is perfect every time it is printed, regardless of the size. Your imprints are better, your nightmares of re-cleaning logos over and over again for different suppliers are over. We can clean-up anything and digitize it to exact specifications for your camera-ready needs. Today's promotional products industry demands quick turnaround and getting the job right every time. We can take virtually any form of art and transform it into vectored and outlined artwork that can be emailed to your client and suppliers. |
İLogoCleanUp.com This site and all logos and artwork depicted on LogoCleanUp.com are protected under international copyright laws and cannot be used without written permission of the individual copyright owners. Logos depicted in no way infer an endorsement of products or services rendered and are shown for demonstration purposes. |